My wild child

Wyatt is down right ridiculous.

Am I over exaggerating? Maybe… I have not met a child like mine yet…. All the other kids do so well when we are out and about.

So with this little dude, I don’t take him out in public much because I am guaranteed at least 3 melt downs.

Examples include today: we walk to the park. The park has great equipment, lots of stuff for him to touch and get into. What does Wyatt want to do? He wants to run into the road, towards incoming traffic. It appears that he would love to get hit by a car. When I try to deter this from happening; enter the fall down hitting, kicking, screaming tantrum….. So we have to leave the park after about 5 minutes there. Mind you, its almost a 10 minute walk to the park.

We have tried a few places, the library for instance! We go to the kids area which has all the great kids stuff for his age, bean bags, trains, legos, a puppet stage. Oh! and it also has computers for kids to play games; in which Wyatt wants to push buttons on any computer with a kid already using it… I try to take him away from that to another area: queue another epic loud ass tantrum. So we leave.

I am only equipped to deal with his behavior at home, with no other people watching. I get so embarrassed in public with him because he is honestly the loudest and worst behaved kid I have ever met. He isn’t even 2 yet! It gets harder because he looks older, so people think he should be better behaved than he acts.

I never wanted to get a “leash” for my kid, but if I don’t have a stroller to lock down this kid, he will be running into traffic, off a cliff, stealing food, or any other extreme destructive move he could possibly do!

I adore him, though. He is so freaking smart and adorable. It is just these horrible behaviours that make me never want to let him out of our back yard….. Look at this cutie, though. I could show off cute pics of him all day

How do you discipline a kid this young? I try to redirect out in public, but that equals a huge loud tantrum and we leave. At home I can deal with tantrums but in public it is so embarrassing, I feel like in order to appease the public I should just take this wild animal home.

Does anyone else deal with this?

Any tips or tricks?

This momma is at her wits end….